10 ways to reward your kids that don’t involve cash, toys, or the Target dollar section

My kids have no concept of the cost of things. I could give them a $1 bill or a $100 bill and until recently, they would have meant the same thing to them. It helped me learn to start giving my nieces and nephews their birthday money in $1 bills because they feel so richContinue reading “10 ways to reward your kids that don’t involve cash, toys, or the Target dollar section”

My eye opening awakening into the privilege associated with 504 and IEP plans

If any of you have seen your child struggle in school, you know the pain and frustration that comes with helping them succeed. My journey with this started when my oldest was in third grade, and this year she started middle school. I was a nervous wreck for this transition and I have to keepContinue reading “My eye opening awakening into the privilege associated with 504 and IEP plans”

Another pandemic school year and how we’re setting goals to make it successful

Last year, I told you all about how my family went out to this “fancy” dinner and we set goals, taught the kids manners, yada, yada, yada. My, oh my. We were so naive then about virtual school and Covid and just how hard the year would be. We made it through, but only just.Continue reading “Another pandemic school year and how we’re setting goals to make it successful”

The 7 people you need in your life when going through a divorce

Divorce can knock you off your game so fast. The emotional energy your body uses just to make it through the day can make it hard to do much else. Your mental energy is lowered. Kiss your physical energy goodbye too. Emotions, specifically anxiety and stress, are taking up a lot of your day. ThisContinue reading “The 7 people you need in your life when going through a divorce”

5 ways to fit fitness into your day

The last time I was ready to get into a good fitness routine, I started setting my alarm at 5:30 so I could do it before anyone else woke up. About a week into this, my youngest started waking up earlier than normal and disrupted the whole plan. Everyone in my house is an earlyContinue reading “5 ways to fit fitness into your day”

Planning the right things, not all the things, for your family’s next beach trip: 10 must haves to make it easier

I am the ultimate planner, list-maker, early packer, you name it. So of course, I’ve married the man who pulls his suitcase down the night before we’re scheduled to go on a trip. It would probably be the morning of if I’d let him get in bed without showing me his suitcase that night. IContinue reading “Planning the right things, not all the things, for your family’s next beach trip: 10 must haves to make it easier”

It’s not just you, mama: We’re all feeling the emotions of our kids and struggling through it

Last month, my tween girl was subject to some bullying at school. Because of Covid, she couldn’t interact with those outside of her class, so she spent multiple days in a row by herself without anyone to play with or talk to. She was crying everyday, and even though I could keep it together inContinue reading “It’s not just you, mama: We’re all feeling the emotions of our kids and struggling through it”

An Interview with my 10 year old

Last month, I wrote about my interview with my seven-year-old son, Ryan. My family spent the first two weeks of November at a beach house while I worked remotely and they continued virtual school. It was a perfect change of scenery for us and the weather was unseasonably warm. When I told the kids IContinue reading “An Interview with my 10 year old”

An Interview with my 7 year old

My family has been on vacation at the beach for the last week, taking advantage of our work from home and virtual school shit show that is 2020. It was the first full week that I’ve taken off this entire year, and as it comes to an end, I barely feel like I’ve stepped awayContinue reading “An Interview with my 7 year old”

Reflecting 5 years later: Supporting young kids with an alcoholic parent

Last month marked five years since my ex-husband passed away from his alcoholism at the age of 36, only 2 months after our divorce was finalized and our kids were 2 and barely 5.  Shortly before he died, I was really starting to feel healed on a personal level. I was able to handle theContinue reading “Reflecting 5 years later: Supporting young kids with an alcoholic parent”